Which social channels should I use for my business??

Should I start an Instagram account for my new business? Or LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Tiktok, BeReal, YouTube, Whats App, Telegram…by the time I’m done writing this sentence, there will likely be at least one new platform to consider! So, how do you choose which social platforms to use for your business and why? 

A few ways to approach the decision:

  • consider the stats,

  • consider your capacity (time, bandwidth, and willingness to learn how to DIY or outsource),

  • consider your location and type of business (service, brick and mortar, online, local, national, worldwide)

  • and above all, consider where your ideal customers are AND if they want to see you (your business) on that platform?

The stats are fairly easy to research and you can probably guess the most used: Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok. Knowing that however many billion users are on each of these platforms is both a plus and minus for new businesses. You know that’s where the people are, but at the same time, how will you stand out among all that noise, information, videos, ads, and cute baby (or cat) pictures? 

Here are some basic stats:

  • 90% of Instagram users follow a business

  • 2 out of 3 people say that Instagram helps them to connect with brands

  • 66% of Facebook users visit a local business page at least once a week

  • 84% of LinkedIn users login to help grow their professional network

What type of business you have and who you are serving matters. If you are selling cute cat t-shirts, I don’t think LinkedIn should be your first choice, but Pinterest and Instagram should be top contenders. Spend some time thinking about the platforms you, your friends, family, and staff use and how they use them. Now weigh that alongside your business offerings. If you aren’t familiar with the platforms, get to know them. Sign up for one, watch a tutorial on YouTube, do your research before you waste your time trying to connect and build relationships with your ideal client in a location where they may not exist.

Everything is “figuroutable”.  If you are selling cat t-shirts and have never used Instagram or Pinterest, you can learn or you can outsource. But you can’t and shouldn’t be in all the places. It’s not sustainable nor is it a good use of your time and budget. Do what you have capacity for and not anything more. There is nothing worse than a brand's social account that has nothing but some posts from 2 years ago. If a potential customer sees that, what kind of impression does it give? If you can’t stick with it, don’t start it. If you have started and are having trouble keeping up, make a plan, outsource, or make a final post that says “We aren’t using this platform anymore, keep up with us at…” (Hot tip! That location should be your website, where you encourage them to stay in touch via your email list. We love ConvertKit- check it out here.)

With all of this in mind, ask yourself, “Where is my ideal client? Where do they hang out? In real life, online, where are they?” Then you go there, you hang out there, and you build a relationship with them there. I promise you they are not in #alltheplaces and your business doesn't have to be, either.

Need a hand managing your social? We do that! You can learn about how we can help you here.

Ready to DIY? Be smart and use Later!