Want a super easy way to keep your customers happy?⁠

Want a super easy way to keep your customers happy?⁠ ⁠ Keep your hours up-to-date online!⁠ ⁠

One of the number 1 things I hear from new clients is customers complaining about hours being wrong online. What an easy way to please! It's a no-brainer and it builds trust.⁠

Here's where you should check and update your hours for your small business, retail shop, or storefront:

💻️ website

🔍️ google my business

#️⃣  social media

📍local & regional websites (think chamber of commerce, resource sites, and association sites)

Google my business quietly released a feature where you can now add holiday hours, making it super easy to keep your hours accurate. Plus the same feature lets you add random hours too! Need to close for a day out of the blue? pop the closure in and your normal hours will automatically go back to normal.

Pro Tip - add a reminder in your calendar for seasonal changes to your hours

Extra Credit: Post your new hours on social, update your banner online, and send an email letting your customers know about the changes!

No time? Check out our  Membership Plans we take this to-do (and a ton of others) off your plate. Hit reply to chat with me for more deets on how I can help your business online and IRL, or book your complimentary intro call here!