2 Sense Social

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The day that Facebook and Instagram broke the internet

Just kidding it isn’t that bad. Well at least we don’t think it is yet.

Facebook and Instagram began acting funny on Wednesday March 13th around 9:00 am Mountain Standard Time.

I was creating an ad for a client and the upload photo function wasn’t working properly. Shortly after that I noticed an issue in the platform we use to post to Facebook and Instagram. I checked from my phone, and Instagram wouldn’t refresh or allow me to view messages.

From there, Facebook on the computer got worse, not allowing posts to be made on personal pages and not allowing access to Business Pages - showing this instead:

"We're aware that some people are currently having trouble accessing the Facebook family of apps," a Facebook spokesperson said in an email. "We're working to resolve the issue as soon as possible." 

Both platforms are experiencing issues world wide, including us! Once it's remedied I will check on all client accounts and resume posting. However, in the meantime, regularly scheduled posts are not happening or accessible. 

You may or may not be able to post or access your personal or business page. 

As more updates become available I will share here. That said, it’s a great day to unplug and take a little break from social media. We’ll be back to business as usual in no time!