2 Sense Social

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Goals, Podcast, and knowing when to eliminate, automate, and delegate!

How is business going for you this summer? Are you meeting your goals?⁠ Or are you swimming in a sea of overwhelm waiting to get that “I’ve got this" feeling? Well I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to do it all by yourself, nor should you!

I'm listing to a podcast with Amy Porterfield and her guest Michael Hyatt where they discuss doing less and accomplishing more.⁠ ⁠ It fits nicely with a book I just finished called the 4 Hour Work Week, maybe you've heard of it?⁠ ⁠

Anyway, in the podcast Michael discusses drudgery versus passion & proficiency. This absolutely makes sense to me - things that are a grind for you may be someone else's JAM!⁠

What goals are you not meeting? Is it because it's boring, distracting, or you just aren't good at it?

Do your boring, distracting, drudgery type goals involve:⁠ ⁠



💻Website designs and updates?⁠

#️⃣Social Media?⁠

If you haven't figured it out already, we are extremely passionate and proficient at:⁠



✅Website designs and updates ⁠

✅Social Media⁠

Our company is here to help your company, so that you can get back to what you LOVE and focus on the skills and goals that 👉 YOU are passionate about & proficient at!⁠ Eliminate, automate, or delegate 💯 💯 💯⁠

Check out Amy’s podcast with Michael here; it’s a good one!